Ideas for hikes:
Hiking tours in the Pays de Laval
The Pays de Laval-Loiron Tourist Office, in association with the CRDP 53 and Raymond Gasdon (a tireless hiking volunteer), provides a free download of hiking tours in the Laval Tourist Area. They can be followed independently, alone or with friends and family.
L’Aumarin tour and variation of Petit Aumarin
11 km tour (2 hrs 45 min) or 7.3 km (1 hr 50 min) starting from the Bourgneuf-la-Forêt hall
63% dirt tracks
Yellow markings
The Bourny tour
6 km tour – 1 hr 30 min starting from Place de la Commune, Quartier du Bourny in Laval
Lime kiln and quarries tour in Louverné
6.5 km tour (1 hr 40 min) or 9.5 km (3hrs including the EcHologia tour) starting from the La Vannerie car park (route d’Argentré after the train station)
Laval – L’Huisserie: Ville d’art et d’histoire (Town of Art and History) and its “green lung”
20 km tour (5hrs) or 11.5 km (3hrs) starting from the SNCF station in Laval
Urban tour
Yellow markings
The Gabelous tour in Saint-Ouen-des-Toits
11.5 km tour (3hrs) starting from the Church Square in Saint-Ouen-des-Toits
Yellow markings
The Saint-Nicolas stream tour - Laval
8.2 km tour (2 hrs 30 min) starting from the Saint-Nicolas Maison du Quartier
Yellow markings
Laval urban tour
5.5 km tour (2 hrs) starting from Place du Gast in Laval
Urban tour
Red markings
Bocage hillside tour in St-Jean-sur-Mayenne
7.4 km tour (2 hrs) starting from the Route de Montflours car park in St-Jean-sur-Mayenne
78% dirt roads in the municipalities of St-Jean/Mayenne and Louverné
Yellow and yellow-blue markings
Dales and hills around Montflours
11 km tour (2 hrs 45 min) starting from the Montflours church
72% dirt tracks in the municipalities of Montflours and Sacé
Yellow markings
Golf tour
9.5 km tour (2 hrs 30 min) starting from the Changé Lake
65% dirt tracks, yellow markings
Lucette tour in Genest-St-Isle
11.3 km tour (2 hrs 50 min) starting from the Genest-Saint-Isle church.
65% dirt tracks, yellow and red-yellow markings
Coupeau tour in Saint-Berthevin
8.5 km tour (2 hrs 30 min) from the Portes de Coupeau (exit from Saint-Berthevin towards the Route de Rennes)
87% dirt tracks
Woods, river and habitat
12 km tour (3 hrs) starting from L’Huisserie church. 79% dirt tracks
Yellow and yellow-blue markings
Plateau and dales in L’Ouette
7 km – 1 hr 45 min Place du Prieuré
70% dirt tracks
7 km tour (1 hr 45 min) starting from Place de la Prieuré in Parné-sur-Roc.
70% dirt tracks, yellow and yellow-blue markings