As soon as you enter the Vieux-Château, the statue of Douanier Rousseau, father of Naive Art, invites you to visit the Musée d’Art Naïf (Museum of Naive Art). Visitors can also discover the trepanning instruments of Ambroise Paré, father of modern surgery.
The Alain Gerbault Space, in the Jardin de la Perrine (Perrine Garden), is dedicated to the life of the humanist traveller from Laval.
The Musée de la Chouannerie et de la Révolution (Chouannerie and Revolution Museum), which is located in the house where Jean Chouan was born in Saint Ouen-des-Toits, draws us into hectic daily life during the Revolution.
And three statues dedicated to Alfred Jarry and Père Ubu can be found near to the Laval town hall.